Kevin Holland chased down alleged car thief in Texas

Kevin Holland chased down alleged car thief, held him until police arrived in Saginaw, Texas on Monday morning.

Just two days after his bout with Kyle Daukaus ended in no contest due to an accidental clash of heads led to Holland. UFC middleweight contender Kevin Holland had apprehended a car thief and held him down until authorities arrived in Saginaw, Texas.

According to Holland’s coach, Shug Dorsey, Holland noticed an alleged theft taking place in his neighbourhood.

Video posted online by his trainer showed Holland standing over the alleged car thief, who is being handcuffed by police.

In an interview with MMAFighting Kevin Holland elaborated on how the incident began :

“We caught up to him. Holland said. I was driving down the street, some guy comes zooming out of the parking lot, some guy’s running behind him, he’s like, ‘yo he stole my car.’ So I was like, ‘yo I’ve been quarantined for a week, I didn’t get to finish my fight, let’s go have a little fun.’  I bust a U-turn, start going after the guy. He turns kinda close to the same street my coach is on.”

“The guy hits the street, boom hits a little trailer that’s getting pulled. So that totals the car. But once he totals the car, the guy gets out.

“I pull up, I got my coffee mug, cause I’m like this time I’m prepared. I got my coffee cup. I’m chasing down after him and he reaches down to kind of go like this, I don’t know if he’s saying stop or what. I go like this with the coffee mug, and then I hit him with a little sweep. Get on top, knee on belly, hit him with the little Khabib scarf hold. He was like, ‘I can’t breathe,’ so that’s when I picked him up, put him on the curb. I didn’t want to be like the cop with the Can’t Breathe guy, so I was just like, ‘f**k it let’s just put him over here.

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